Best known for his ghost story thrillers, Commanding the Red Lotus is R.J.Sullivan’s fifth book and his first release in the genre he most adores.
R.J.’s critically acclaimed, loosely connected ghost story trilogy and his short story collection are all available in paperback and ebook through DarkWhimsy Books. R.J. resides with his family in Heartland Crossing, Indiana. He drinks regularly from a Little Mermaid coffee mug and is man enough to admit it. Learn more at
Money Can’t Buy RespectSayuri Arai, privileged daughter of a corporate mogul, abandons a promising career to find her own path. She invests in a broken-down asteroid mining ship and steps in as the commander of its crew. Every day presents a new challenge just to keep her ship from falling apart and the bitter crew from killing each other. Can Sayuri unite the feuding factions, or will her rivals turn the entire complement against her? Commanding the Red Lotus offers a classic sense of wonder for today’s science fiction readers. Volume one of the Red Lotus Stories.Commanding the Red lotus includes:Fate of the Red LotusRed Lotus: Innocence LostMutiny on the Red LotusCommanding the Red Lotus represents veteran author R.J. Sullivan’s first full-length science fiction novel. Set in the (hopefully) not-so-distant future, Commanding the Red Lotus combines three novellas into a saga I found hard to put down. Sullivan creates a universe that fans of Firefly and other dystopian space adventures will love. I hope he will continue to expand and embellish this series. Two thumbs up!” –Chris Kennedy Author of the bestselling “Theogony” scifi trilogy