Twin Sisters Press is the children’s book imprint of the award-winning small press Hydra Publications. Click on an image to pick up your child’s next favorite book.


Dare! An Ant Hero Story by Lauren Acree
Missing! An Ant Hero Story by Lauren Acree
Picnic Panic: Another Ant Hero Story by Lauren Acree











Midnight Song by Janet Reyes
Ella Minnow Peed by John Av
Ella Minnow and the New Fish by John Avera











Dani and the Magic Pony by Robert Timberlake
Carahil’s Busy Morning: Atha’s Tea Party by Ren Garcia
Citytown Christmas Conundrum by Irv Korman











Goodbye Horse by Ellie Troutman
The Day Please Slept In by Leah Pugh











Bella the Sea Turtle by First Grade Students Dunn Elementary
Merlin the Friendly Monster by Brittany Nicole Lewis











The Legend of Hanukkah Harry by Irv Korman
















Celtix Kids: Kelpie Quest by Regina M. Geither
Celtic Kids: Luring the Leprechaun by Regina M. Geither
Celtic Kids: Battle the Banshee by Regina M. Geither
Celtic Kids: Wandering With the Will O’ The Wisp by Regina M. Geither
Celtic Kids: Driving out the Dragon











Celtic Kids: Trading the Teind by Regina M Geither











Celtic Kids: Passing Beyond the Pale
















Amy the Astronaut and the Flight to Freedom by Steven Donahue
Amy the Astronaut and the Secret Soldiers by Steven Donahue
Island of Tory by Regina M. Geither












Cursing Stone: Island of Tory Book 2 by Regina M. Geither
Three: Island of Tory Book 3 by Regina M. Geither
Tales From a Rural Route: Henry County High School 2020 Senior Edition











Tales From a Rural Route: Henry County
Tales From a Rural Route: Henry County High School Volume II













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