Robert P. Ottone is the author of the horror collection Her Infernal Name & Other Nightmares, Nocturnal Creatures and The Rise trilogy.
His short stories have appeared in various anthologies as well as online. He’s also the publisher and owner of Spooky House Press.
Robert is an English as a New Language teacher, as well as a teacher of English Language Arts.
He can be found online at or on Twitter/Instagram (@RobertOttone). He
delights in the creepy and views bagels solely as a cream cheese delivery device.
Lola and Ian had what they thought was the perfect relationship. Vacations. Fine dining. A
healthy sex life.
But when their childless lifestyle begins impacting their social lives, they decide to take the
natural next step.
But what happens when that next step cracks the perfect foundation Lola and Ian have built?
What happens when that next step is anything but natural?
Robert P. Ottone’s The Vile Thing We Created is a terrifying vision of parenthood in the tradition
of Ira Levin and Thomas Tryon.