Sena Andeo is a lover of all things dark and complicated; and brings out the best of these in her debut novel, Eulogy. In the magical world of Andriel, a priest named Xaven becomes the last of his kind and is left with nothing but a burning desire for revenge and his limited experience with the outside world. It is a story of mystery, betrayal, politics, soul-stealing viprs, and most importantlyโ€”revenge. Sena Andeo  lives in Richmond, Virginia, with her family of eight (four humans, three cats, and a dog), where she studies Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness at Virginia Commonwealth University, with a minor in Political Science. She wrote her first book at age four, a graphic novel featuring stickers and mirrored letters. Since then, she placed 6th in the 2003 Reading Rainbow Young Writers and Illustrators Contest and was a 2006 State Finalist for the Readers Digest National Word Power Challenge. She has dabbled in legal work, preparing taxes, alpaca farming, coffee shop management, screen and stage acting, and just a touch of bad poetry. These experiences have led her back to writing again and again, where she finds her happy place.