Hydra Publications, with Hydra fantasy author, Stuart Thaman, leading the way, is hard at work on our next anthology collection. Read the guidelines below and FOLLOW THEM.
Submission guidelines:
- Genre: epic fantasy / sword and sorcery
- Tone: grim and bleak
- Setting: feel free to craft your own unique world exclusive to the story or write in one of your own previously established worlds from other books or series. Historical settings (any story that takes place on Earth) are not permitted. The technology level should fit with traditional epic fantasy. Any gunpowder use should be rudimentary. Steampunk settings are acceptable so long as the technology is not much more advanced than the musket age
- Theme: stories should fit the overall theme of characters exploring the setting’s past while also being deeply involved with the setting’s religion. Examples include characters hunting for religious artifacts, characters plagued by their previous actions while members of the setting’s religious order(s), religious war / crusade, fanatic proselytizing, etc. As long as your story has a heavy element of a unique and interesting religion, it should fit the theme
- Length: 6,000 – 10,000 words
- Submission: please email all submissions in the body of your email to hydrasubmissions@gmail.com. Only completed manuscripts will be considered. You must put the anthology title, Ghosts of the Old Gods, in your submission subject line to be considered
- Payment: upon acceptance of your manuscript, authors will be paid $35
- All authors featured in the anthology will be given one free paperback copy of the anthology after it is published
- All authors featured in the anthology will be given one full page (~225 words) after their story for an author bio and to advertise any other previously published works they desire
- The Deadline is January 31, 2022