This holiday weekend Hydra Publications will be at the Fright Night Horror Festival at the Fern Valley Hotel and Conference Center in Louisville, Kentucky, November 25-27. This will be the first year for Hydra at FNHW and we are thrilled to take part in scaring the @%&*! out of people.
Here is the blurb from the FNHW site:
Going on 12 Years of Fright Night. Constantly evolving and changing for the times. All the while still maintaining it’s core. Films and Horror. Fright Night began as a small gathering in 2005. The Founder grew up loving Horror Films. The Classics reign in on his psyche as hard as any films could. John Carpenters Halloween. Toby Hooper’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Exorcist, The Hills Have Eyes, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th and many others. As the 90’s rolled around horror began a trend that pulled away from it’s core. While there were great 90s horror, the amazing and trendsetting 70’s and 80’s were gone. Only in our Nightmares would they reappear. After many years of going to the movies with friends and a steady stream of moving around the country came to an end it was decided that there needed to be a film festival in his hometown of Louisville.
So since there weren’t many horror conventions around just a few scattered around the country Louisville became home to one of the newest and brightest film festivals. 2006 became the convention year for Fright Night. As the years rolled on people came, it grew, and grew until it grew too big and had to branch off another show. Fandomfest was born in 2011. 2012 saw record numbers as it was one of the largest conventions in the area. 2013 boomed and Fandomfest and Fright Night hit it’s peak. It was decided to branch out into 2 shows in 2014. so it started slowly and without much fanfare or advertising away we went back to our roots. Just horror. 2015 was the same 2 Fright Night events. The Pop Culture side of horror was going to happen in our Summer Event from now on and our second show would go back to horror and our film festival. It was a success. The fan’s loved the laid back atmosphere and the return of the hotel shows.
So this year on the weekend after Thanksgiving a new tradition is born. Fright Night part 2 will be on the weekend after Thanksgiving. November 25th-27,th 2016 and November 24th-26th, 2017. It’s a perfect time of the year in these parts. Winter is coming as they say. Will you be ready? Come and join us as many amazing filmmakers, fans, guests, authors, artists and monsters have throughout the years.