The Hydra Weekend Update


Start your weekend off by picking up a novel from one of our two Kindle Count Down Deals, Murder by Suicide from author Tom Wallace, or Dearly Departed by Rachael Rawlings. Both novels are at a discounted price and are both available to Kindle Unlimited readers. Then you can end […]

Let Your Setting Be A Character


We love to feature tips on improving your writing by some of our incredibly talented writers. This week, Bill Noel, the author of the Folly Beach Mystery series and July’s number one Hydra bestseller, Discord, offers up his tips on using your setting as a character. Let Your Setting be a […]

Only You Can Tell Your Story


Only You Can Tell Your Story by Bill Noel A survey taken a few years ago revealed that 83% of Americans want to write a book. I was among the 17% who had never expressed interesting in writing a book. For reasons that probably would take years of psychoanalysis to […]